Happily ever after?
I’ll bet you were hopeful and excited about your future when you were young, right?
Knowing that no matter what… you could choose the outcome and life of your dreams.
Or was that just me?
I still struggle sometimes. However, I’ve learned how to use tools to get me back to the place where I am the one in charge of my dreams. And I freely share these tools with anyone who wants to live their best life too!
Today I happily stand before you living the dream as a successful real estate agent, mother of 4 sons, wife of 23 years, and mentor to others who also want to take the wheel and head into their very own dream life.
But this wasn’t always the life I was headed for…
My childhood was unconventional, filled with many struggles.
My parents divorced when I was 1, my father was an alcoholic, disappearing for months at a time. Even though my mom did her best, we moved around constantly. I attended over 15 schools growing up!
In fact, the only constants in my life were that I would be moving again soon, another person was likely to leave me at any moment, and my deep-held belief that I had the power to decide what I would accomplish in my life.

I knew my amazing grandparents would always take me in when my mom couldn’t take care of me. Perhaps because of their example, I decided that no matter what hardships I endured as a result of other’s actions in my young years, I wasn’t going to end up simply a product of how I was raised.
I was stronger than that.
My teen years were my hardest, but I persevered and grew stronger. As a young woman, I dreamed of finding families’ homes. I just knew being a realtor was for me. But my grandma (wanting what’s best) convinced me that the path was too risky and to pursue something more stable… So I put this dream on hold to pursue a “safer” career. One that wasn’t as entrepreneurial.
And I HATED it.
For 10 years I did my best to be grateful for a secure job, but it wasn’t long before I suffered the biggest loss of my life…
The loss of my Papa.
He was the one who could always bring a smile to my face and make me feel like I was wanted. He would always sing “You are my Sunshine” to me and melt my heart.
I feel his presence every day. He is the reason for the sunflowers all over my world (including my logo for my business). He’s my angel, around me at all times and always having my back!
Because of him, I adopted the… “Life is Short” motto and decided to make my life the best possible from that moment on!
The next chapter of my life was hard, once again. Marrying very young and having two children by the time I was 22, did not make for an easy life. Although my children are now grown and living great lives, it was a challenge in my 20’s for sure.
I have lived in survival mode my entire life, until I discovered what that meant and how to get out of it.

I decided at the age of 32 it wasn’t too late to chase my dreams and become a real estate agent after all This part of my journey is filled with hard work and a lot of grit, since finding the right company and agency to work with isn’t always easy. That is, until I figured out the key that was missing.
In all honesty, I’ve been that agent living paycheck to paycheck, robbing from Peter to pay Paul just to stay afloat! I’ve had a home I had to short sell and I know what it is like to wonder where you will get the money to put food on the table for your children.
So in 2016 I left an agency I had been with for many years and it was a scary change that turned out to be the best decision of my entire life.
Then again, more recently I made another change. I am now more than ever, able to clearly see a great opportunity and not leave any door closed. It is always good to have an open mind and try to see what is available for you.
Can you believe that I was able to create more wealth in the last 7 years than in the previous 15 combined?
Now my dream is to share all I’ve learned!! No matter what stage you’re in, you can finally have the Freedom to Flourish. I get a deep satisfaction from helping talented realtors like yourself learn how to achieve your biggest goals.
I knew I had a role to play in helping others to overcome their hardships. I’m a survivor and I know you are too!
A story of resilience...
I was in the 8th grade when my mom came to me with some big news that would turn our lives upside down.
I’d been living with my grandparents since the beginning of 7th grade and was settled in a great school. I had a lot of friends… I was finally stable and in a good place.
But, my mom couldn’t help it. She’d found a man who would build us into the family we’d always longed to be a part of, leaving security and happiness in California to chase her dreams over 1000 miles away in Wyoming. Far from the safe haven of California with my grandparents..

I really didn’t want to go, but didn’t have a choice. And as it turned out, my step dad turned out to not be a very good man.
My life was hell.
When I turned 15, I got a job as a waitress in a small town cafe, saving up money to buy my own car the second I turned 16, giving me some freedom. Which didn’t last long…
My stepdad finally left my mom, which left her feeling alone and sad and me to make my own decisions.
I found a group of friends no 16 year old should have been allowed to be around and quickly spiraled out of control… eventually quitting school and leaving to be with the man I met, a Prince Charming that turned out to be a VERY ugly toad.

After only one month, I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be. What in the world had I been thinking?
Upset with myself, I loaded up my car with my few worldly possessions and off I went back to California. At 16 years old, I drove that 1000 miles as fast as I could. I will never forget the feeling of driving up to my grandparents’ that early morning and knowing I was really home.
I registered in school and took extra night classes to graduate on time. I took control of my own life at 16.
I’ve had a lifetime of mistakes and failures, but I’ve also become an expert for fixing my situations and finding the best solutions for success.
Life’s not easy and neither is Real Estate!
But it can be and I can show you how.
Epique Realty was created for agents so we have options for growth and an exit strategy for retirement. You don’t want to be 90 years old, still putting signs in yards just so you can pay your own mortgage.
I am ready to share it with you!
I have the success path all planned out and
When asked to be an Area Leader at Epique Realty, I felt like everything I have done in my career had led me to this place in time. My passion is to help liberate women from their own limitations by sharing what has worked for me to truly find the Freedom to Flourish through Real Estate. Over the years, I've simply documented everything I’ve done to generate a yearly 6-figure income, while living the life I love and I teach these steps to people like yourself.
This training includes...
- Signing up with Epique Realty, using me as your sponsor
- Setting up your foundations, using my signature Freedom to Flourish plan
- Creating lead generation funnels
- Getting a Morgan Stanley account for your stock awards
- Reading all books on my suggested book list (always learning)
- Adapting banking methods of the book Profit First
- Showing and selling homes (the reason you’re here)
- Making money! (the other reason you’re here)
- Becoming a mentor too, inviting agents you have worked with to use my system
- Continuing with my team at Epique, while creating the lifestyle you love!